WreckedWrecked is thrilling comedy horror series created and written by Ryan J. Brown from Euston Films. Wrecked (w/t) is a tense thriller, mixing comedy with a slice of slasher, set aboard The Sacramentum cruise ship. The series follows 20-year-old new recruit,...
Three Pines (Left Bank Pictures / Amazon / Sony) The series follows Chief Inspector Armand Gamache (Alfred Molina) of the Sûreté du Québec, a man who sees things that others do not: the light between the cracks, the mythic in the mundane, and the evil in...
Fast-paced thriller based on the bestselling novel by Robert Harris. Dr Alex Hoffman (Josh Hartnett) is a computer scientist and genius who is ready to make a killing. Alongside his Hedge Fund business partner and best friend, Hugo (Arsher Ali), he’s launching VIXAL-4...
Lola and Jackson have to tackle another mystery as they try to track down a masked killer. As the killer leaves Freddy clues to their next victim, it’s a race between Freddy and the police to unmask the murderer.
Des About Des Des is a three part drama which follows the arrest and trial of serial killer Dennis Nilsen, known as Des. The drama is based on material from the book Killing for Company by Brian Masters, which focuses on one of the most infamous cases in UK criminal...